Kia Whanau and other viewers

Welcome to B5’s blog! We’d like to give you a glimpse of the day to day learning that is happening in our classroom. This site is also used for learning purposes where the students take opportunities to independently practise creating and uploading posts. There will be mistakes made along the way as this is a learning opportunity for friends and whanau to teach and correct any mistakes with their tamariki. We hope you enjoy viewing our blog and welcome anyone and everyone to joing us on our ICT journey for 2015.

Ma pango, ma whero, ka oti te mahi.

By black and by red the work is done.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Popcorn Robots

Easy Blog Photo
Tittle: POPCORN ROBOT INVADERS One day in Giant-land a giant was eating popcorn the giant was fat and the Giants name was James. That day James got a phone call and it was his brother Bob. Bob was yapping about his car got stolen by a group named Dynamite skulls. They're the BIGGEST and BADEST of all robbers. Let's go deeper in the story the popcorn wasn't normal popcorn the popcorn was ROBOTS! All the popcorn robots jumped out of the popcorn tin and they went to my room and I saw them eating my candy that I was saving up for the holidays and his cousins were coming and we are going to have a lollie party! It took me a long time to save my money to get the lollies!

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