Kia Whanau and other viewers

Welcome to B5’s blog! We’d like to give you a glimpse of the day to day learning that is happening in our classroom. This site is also used for learning purposes where the students take opportunities to independently practise creating and uploading posts. There will be mistakes made along the way as this is a learning opportunity for friends and whanau to teach and correct any mistakes with their tamariki. We hope you enjoy viewing our blog and welcome anyone and everyone to joing us on our ICT journey for 2015.

Ma pango, ma whero, ka oti te mahi.

By black and by red the work is done.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


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A word from Matua Konah:
"A huge congratulations to our class who entered as underdogs, given a wildcard entry into Glenholme School's 2015 Talent Quest finals. They were awarded and crowned 1st equal champions this year! Aroha mai, my kids were quite drained out as they were the very last act to perform after a long day. Aroha mai again to my tamariki who blames me for coming 1st equal, saying that they could have come 1st alone if I hadn't made a few mistakes throughout the item; my students are very hard to please. But although the recognition is great, my earnest hope and desire is that they remember this himene, this moment, and the values that were learnt and experienced throughout the journey of this outcome.
My first time wearing a traditional Korean outfit! I still find it weird to see me in it, I'm sure I've worn a piupiu a lot more than this.
Once again I emphasise that this item would not have been possible without the contribution and help of many - "Kāhore taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini".
Much love and many thanks, aroha mai, aroha atu."

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